“Tone sandhi is a phonological change occurring in tonal languages, in which the tones assigned to individual words or morphemes change based on the pronunciation of adjacent words or morphemes. It usually simplifies a bidirectional tone into a one-direction tone.” (wikipedia)
The original tone for “一” is first tone.
1. When “一” is between two words, it pronounced as “yi” with a neutral tone.
For example, “看一看”[Pinyin:kàn yi kàn][English: have a look]; “笑一笑”[Pinyin:xiào yi xiào][English: give a smile]
2. When “一” stands for numbers and at the end of a phrase, it stays at the first tone.
For example, “第一” [Pinyin:dì yī ][English:the first]; “第一名” [Pinyin:dì yī míng][English:the first place]
3. When “一” followed by a measure word, it is pronounced with the fourth tone.
For example, “一堆” [Pinyin:yì duī][English:a pile of ]; “一升” [Pinyin:yì shēng][English:a gallon of]
4. When the measure word is the fourth tone, it is pronounced with the second tone.
For example, “一个”[Pinyin:yí gè][English:one]; “一对” [Pinyin:yí duì][English:pair/couple]
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